Mi bebe Dos is 6 months old today. He’s doing fine and growing at his own pace. He incessantly awe and amuse us all the time. My only worry is that my self-made-6-month-post-cesarean-rule also ended today. Meaning, starting this day I can no longer use my surgery as an excuse for being portly. I should oblige myself to help my body go back to its pre-pregnancy physique. During the past 6 months, I didn’t follow strict diet, I didn’t exercise and I didn’t even monitor my weight. But still (modesty aside), I often receive the “parang hindi ka nanganak” complement from colleagues. I don’t know if that’s a complement, do I still have the tummy of a 9-month pregnant woman? Ah, maybe they meant, “parang hindi ka nagbuntis”. Haha #FilipinoUseOfTerminologies
Honestly, I also made an effort be slim again, in my own lazy way, though. If you’re curious, let me share my lazy ways to staying slim:
1) Eat breakfast within 1 hour from waking. I just read it somewhere and tried to apply it daily and I think it worked. I do not feel the urge of eating in-between snacks. At times that I do, drinking water does the trick.
2) Commute (as in public transportation) to office at least 3x a week. Take a jeep, a bus or in my case the LRT, it makes me sweat as much as morning joggers do. It also helps us save a lot in our fuel consumption.
3) Wear heeled shoes. It helps me walk with grace and poise which makes me look slimmer.
3) Wear heeled shoes. It helps me walk with grace and poise which makes me look slimmer.
4) Combine tip #’s 2 and 3. This is especially good if I’m running late for work.
5) Stomach in, consciously, as much as possible. It will definitely help you tone your tummy.
6) Eat what you want. Don’t deprive yourself from eating the food you want but remember do it in moderation. I still buy big packs of chips, but I now share it with the esposo. So sweet of me. Lol
That’s basically my lazy routine. If I'll have the luck of industriousness, I might start to work out in the gym. Or, I can always make-up another excuse.J