Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Pregnancy Update

I had my prenatal check-up last Saturday. According to the calculation of my OB, I am on my fifth month now. And judging through our exchange of words, me and the baby are doing okay. We also listened to my baby’s heartbeat using a doppler, although the OB said the heartbeat was perfect, I still want to know more. I want to make sure everything’s in perfect state. If only I have an x-ray vision, if only I am telepathic, if only checking my baby’s condition inside my tummy is as easy as buying dave matthews band tickets or david crowder band tickets or even death cab for cutie tickets online, unfortunately it's not. 
Well at least I am (my baby is) scheduled for a congenital anomaly scan before this month ends. It is a process wherein the sonographer will point out my baby's heartbeat and parts its body – internal and external, looking at it in detail. I'll get to know more than the heartbeat this time plus I'll get to see my baby again. It is also the time to reveal its sex. Finally, I’ll get to know its sex! I will no longer get some unsolicited fearless forecasts from Madam Auring wannabes around. lol To be honest I still don’t have sex preference even if it’s my second already. Friends often hopes for a boy for us this time, since our first is a girl. I still don’t wish for anything (more than its good health), its still my baby, its a blessing whatever its sex would be.
Come to think of it, we’ve only prepared for a boy’s name. hehe

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