Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More Party DIYs

Since I don't have detailed photo of these, I decided to put them all together in 1 post. This is to round up Dos Party DIYs.
Name tags:
Since he had a basketball theme, it would be fitting to use a finger foam as name tag. So, I printed a downloadable copy (sorry I didn't take note of the link. You can always ask me of the softcopy by leaving a message anyway) of a finger foam on a board paper and cut it. I wanted to make it wearable so I made mirror copy via Paint. The problem arose when I tried to put them together, they were not in the same size, of course. So I adjusted the back part manually, printed and reprinted until they are in the same size (I think it would be easier using photoshop). I just glued them together and let dry. When it was dried up, I run around it a stripe of japanese paper (I used different color for the different sides). Then made cuts on the japanese paper to give a pompom effect.

The front was were we put the name of the kid, the back were all printed Eon #1. I'm glad the kids loved it, they wore it the entire party.
Table Centerpiece:
We used a junior size ball to double as a table centerpiece and a balloon burst prize. The party planner suggested to use a cold glue gun to attached the ball to the table runner. But I thought of making a ball stand. As usual, I used Paint to layout the stand. I printed it on the paper board too. I simply attached both ends to make a circle where I can put the ball with. Then I used a wide scoth tape over the stand to give a shinny finish.
The problem was, everybody wanted to bring home the ball. The early birds got them right away leaving the table empty looking. But since it was part of the prize the party host was quick to confiscate them and put it on the prize table. Still, it left the table empty looking, I shoud have listened and used cold glue instead.
Menu Cards: 
Just for OC's sake, I printed menu card to totally match the theme. I used a coaching board as background to every dish name. As usual this was courtesy of Microsoft Paint. 

As I have said, I was just being OC-OC because the caterer also prepared theirs (not in theme though). Of course they gave way to me, but was kind enough to lend their menu card holder.
So that's about it. I hope someone finds my DIY posts useful in their future parties. Happy prep pips!  

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