Thursday, August 30, 2012

Relationship that Lasts

My new PC was installed at my work station today, FINALLY, I have to emphasize the word because it took more than a year before our unserviceable units are replaced (I work in a government organization what do you expect?). I can say it’s worth the wait because according to the IT expert (who happened to be mi esposo) who installed our new PCs, ours has the best specifications so far. It has a DVD rom and multiple card reader slots – which was not available with the previous PC purchases. Our PCs also comes with 19” LCD monitor, optical mouse plus a 1:1 PC – printer ratio. It’s an HP Compaq with Windows 7 OS and i5 processor.
Those are the specs I heard he told my officemates a while ago. Honestly, I’m clueless about this. Ever since we got together, especially now that we work under one agency, I left all the technical stuffs to him, not that I’m not interested but more of my way of submitting to him. I just want to give him the spotlight and the proper self-worth he deserves. I don’t want to be a know-it-all kind of wife and wants to make him feel that I’m dependent with him on some aspect.
I believe that in every relationship you have to give your better-half a sense of pride for themselves. That you must make them feel you need them as much as you show you love them. In that way, it will help you live a healthy and lasting relationship.
Can I just say, I need my PC badly. Hope we’ll have a lasting relationship too.

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